
California Education Code requires that 所有 候选人 for a teaching credential must demonstrate they are proficient in the 主题 area of their intended credential

Subject matter proficiency may be demonstrated through one of the following options:

  1. 完成 主题项目 委员会批准.
  2. 主题的传递 检查 (the California Subject Examination for Teachers or CSET)
  3. 通过一个 主要 that matches a 主题 in which the commission credentials 候选人 (see more information below).
  4. 圆满完成 课程 at one or more region所有y accredited institutions of higher education that addresses each of the domains of the 主题 requirements.
  5. 通过一个 combination of 课程 and CSET so that 所有 domains are met.

更多来自反恐中心的资料: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/educator-prep/subject-matter-requirements

期权标的图: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/docs/default-source/educator-prep/files/subject-matter-chart-of-options.pdf?sfvrsn=574a20b1_9

Meeting Subject Matter through Major

With the passing of AB 130, it is possible to meet 主题 through a 主要 that matches the 主要s specified in the legislation.

  • The 重大比赛 should be done by the approved teacher education program where you will be completing your credential as the credential analyst of that institution must verify the 重大比赛 when recommending you for a credential at the end of your program.
  • The 主要s (BA/BS/MA/MS) must have been conferred by a region所有y accredited university and 学历专业 必须匹配 the subject area of the credential being sought.
  • Submitted transcripts must show the conferral of the degree. Please do not submit until your degree is posted on your transcripts.

This option is currently available for 候选人 who have completed an academic degree in a 主要 that exactly matches one of those identified in the law as indicated below:

标的 多个主题 may be met by the following 主要s:

  • 自由研究
  • 小学教育
  • Liberal 艺术s (must say Liberal 艺术s as the degree)

AB 130 also 所有ows for a bachelor’s degree or higher in a 主要 that includes 所有 of the subject areas identified in Education Code §44282(b): language studies, 文学, 数学, 科学, 社会研究, 历史, 艺术, 体育课, 人类发展.

单科证书: The 主要 必须匹配 in one of the subjects named in Education Code section 44257(a). 此外, 任何 degree 主要 that includes the name of the subject area of the single subject credential will meet 主题. The credential areas that the 基督教社会联盟DH 教师教育 Division offers are:

  • 艺术
  • 生物科学: 生物学, biological 工程, or biochemistry
  • 化学: 化学, 化学 工程 和生物化学
  • 英语
  • 基础科学: A degree in 工程 or another degree offered by a 科学 部门
  • 地球科学: 地质或地球科学
  • 健康科学
  • 数学s (also a degree in statistics or applied 数学)
  • 音乐: 音乐
  • 体育课 (May say Kinesiology if it also says 体育课 as part of the degree.)
  • 物理: 物理, mechanical or structural 工程
  • 社会科学: BA肯定是社会科学 在学位上 or student may submit under course review
  • 世界通用语言: May be in 任何 of the languages for which there is a credential. For example, a 主要 in Spanish would meet 主题 for 世界语言: Spanish. Also includes 世界通用语言: American Sign Language (美国手语)

教育专员证书 (特殊教育)

  • 轻度/中度支持需求 or 广泛的支持需求 候选人 may utilize 主题 in multiple subjects or in 任何 单一学科领域.
  • 幼儿特殊教育 Candidates are not currently required to meet 主题

目前,委员会将 also accept applied 主要s in the single subject credential areas (e.g., 应用数学, Applied 物理) and exact 主要s in one of the 单一学科领域s that may have additional modifiers (e.g., 生物学: Environmental 生物学; 艺术: 艺术 History; and 体育课: Kinesiology).

Download the directions and form below for the 重大比赛. The directions will include the link to upload your transcripts to a secure Dropbox. Please, plan ahead as processing may take several weeks.

Subject Matter Through Major 指令s
Subject Matter Verification through Major

Meeting Subject Matter through Coursework Review

Coursework may now be used to meet 主题 for a particular credential type (such as multiple subjects, 英语, 数学等.) instead of CSET or an approved 主题项目. A combination of CSET and 课程 may also be used; however, the domains covered by a particular CSET subtest must 所有 be met by 课程 in lieu of taking that subtest.

Please read the directions carefully and then upload your folder with 所有 required materials to the Dropbox included in the directions.


重要的: This subject evaluation form is only valid in the 教育学院 at 基督教社会联盟DH for
admissions and for a credential application at 基督教社会联盟DH.

提前计划: 审查可能需要6-8周. Some reviews are sent to other 部门s for review and most reviews take 1-3 hours to complete.

Course Review for Subject Matter Worksheets:



