
If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911 or (310) 243-3333 to reach the 基督教社会联盟DH警察 Department. 的y will ensure your safety.

While those who are being stalked can make safety 计划 on their own, it is often helpful to obtain assistance from trained individuals. 在基督教社会联盟DH 受害人的主张 can help a survivor/victim determine which options will best enhance their safety and will work to devise a safety plan to address each unique situation and circumstance. 如果需要, the Advocate can also assist you in exploring your options for on-campus needs if the stalker is affiliated with the university. Remember that you are not alone and can receive confidential support for this matter.

Create a 跟踪 Safety Plan

A safety plan is a combination of suggestions, 计划, and responses created to help victims reduce their risk of harm. It is a tool designed in response to the victim's specific situation that evaluates what the victim is currently experiencing, incorporates the pattern of previous behavior, and examines options that will positively impact the victim's safety. 的 National 跟踪 Resource Center provides the following steps:

  • If you are in immediate danger, 拨打911.
  • Trust your instincts. Don't downplay the danger. If you feel you are unsafe, you probably are.
  • Take threats seriously. Danger generally is higher when the stalker talks about suicide or murder, or when a victim tries to leave or end the relationship.
  • Contact a crisis hotline, victim services agency, or a domestic violence or rape crisis program. 的y can help you devise a safety plan, give you information about local laws, weigh options such as seeking a protection order, and refer you to other services.
  • Don't communicate with the stalker or respond to attempts to contact you.
  • Keep evidence of the stalking. When the stalker follows you or contacts you, write down the time, date, and place. Keep emails, text messages, phone messages, letters, or notes. Photograph anything of yours that the stalker damages and any injuries the stalker causes. Ask witnesses to write down what they saw. 
  • Contact the police. Every state has stalking laws. 的 stalker may also have broken other laws by doing things like assaulting you or stealing or destroying your property.
  • Consider getting a court order that tells the stalker to stay away from you.
  • Tell family, friends, roommates, and co-workers about the stalking and seek their support.
  • Tell security staff at your job or school. Ask them to help watch out for your safety.

Additional 资源 Available for Download:

得到帮助. You don't have to go through this alone.

You have the right to confidential supportive services, 医疗服务, and to report to the Police and the University. 寻求帮助,请联系 局局长Mayra Romo, the confidential 基督教社会联盟DH 受害人的主张 at (310) 243-2567 or mromo@lefoudy.com,或浏览 http://calendly.com/d/2gk-6zq-8zq to schedule an appointment; or Nallely洛佩兹, 基督教社会联盟DH 第九条 Coordinator at (310) 243-3492 or nalopez@lefoudy.com