Latinx 文化l Resource Center


The Latinx 文化l Resource Center (LCRC) serves as the 文化l home or “La小屋” to support the personal, 学术, and professional success of Latinx Students at 基督教社会联盟 Dominguez Hills. La小屋 provides peer-to-peer support, 文化lly relevant programming, and campus partnerships. Our resources include a focus on 学术 and career readiness, social justice, community building, and embracing our identidad, 法国当代艺术, & 文化.

To learn more about our programs, resources and services, visit our Instagram page.

We are located on the first floor of the LSU in room 110. Come visit us!

Janneth Najera, 基督教社会联盟DH transfer student  presenting Latinx Resource Center proposal.
Janneth Najera, 基督教社会联盟DH transfer student presenting Latinx Resource Center proposal.


The LCRC or La小屋 is committed to creating inclusive spaces that disrupt forms of systemic oppression, empower students in their pursuit of radical knowledge and social justice, and embrace the complexity of Latinidad and Latinx identities.

As an anti-racist center, La小屋 affirms the experiences of Afro-Indigenous Peoples, Peoples from Central America, 南美, the Caribbean and the African Diaspora. Inspired by El Comité, La小屋 aims to prioritize student advocacy and provide student-focused support.


In February 2020, a group of Latinx students at California State University, Dominguez Hills formed a group called, El Comite de 基督教社会联盟DH to propose the development of a Resource Center for Latinx students. El Comite successfully defended their list of demands and received approval for the development of a Latinx Resource Center.

The Latinx 文化l Resource Center (LCRC) began its online programming in the Spring of 2021. As 基督教社会联盟DH students began to visit the LCRC, they expressed how they were reminded of their home and how the space feels warmth and welcomes all students so they decided to give a new nickname to the center, “La小屋.” 

Why we embrace Latinx Terminology:

The term “Latino” has often excluded Queer, Trans, Non-binary communities. We use the term “Latinx” as a form to create inclusivity and challenge the term itself as we move forward to create brave spaces. 另外, the “X” in Latinx aims to disrupt the gender norms and binaries embedded within the Spanish language (Gonzalez, 2022). We encourage authenticity and invite everyone to self-identify with their own sense of being. 



  • Academic Success
  • Social Justice
  • Community Building
  • Career Readiness
  • 文化 & 法国当代艺术
  • Identity Development
  • Graduate School 资源

La小屋 Initiatives 资源

  • First-Gen Power Hour
  • Racial Justice & Healing Series
  • Community Building 研讨会 
  • 研讨会 & 事件
  • Academic Advising Support 
  • La Charlas Series (“Critical Conversations”)


Connect with us!

位置 & 小时
Loker Student Union (LSU)
Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

(310) 243-2519
For inquiries, contact:
罗尼E. Castellanos Raymundo
Program Director
